Friday, October 20, 2006

Orangey Date Energy Bite

The best eatin' on the BC ferries is this date square/bar thing that has tons of yummy calories. I can't find it in stores, and my fallback Cliff bars are expensive here, so I decided to make my own energy bars.

.5 c butter substitute
.5 c brown sugar
.5 c orange juice
.5 t salt
1 t baking powder
1 t vanilla
1 t lemon extract
.5 c soy milk powder
.25 c flax seeds
2 c oats
1.5 c pitted dates, chopped

Melt the butter, mix it up, smush it in a 9x9 pan and bake for 20 minutes at 350. There's nothing structurally complicated going on, so this recipe should be easy to play with. The baking powder may not do anything. Try adding nuts, nut butter, or chocolate chips.

1 comment:

branden said...

I ran out of orange juice, so I substituted Pomegranate juice and WOW.

One taste-tester of a previous batch reported a powdery mouth-feel, so you may want to reduce the amount of soy milk powder. Remember to keep solids and liquids in balance or it'll fall apart while you're eating it, stopped at a traffic light.