This is not so much a secret recipe as a technique. When Aquila and I went to Tulum on the Yucutan we had an incredible Thai-chef's lunch in a beautful beachfront restaurant and went into a blissful reverie. I came close with this meal: on brown rice ( of course) I added grilled olive oil-brushed zuchini, eggplant, plus mushroom and tofu marinated in soy sauce. To accomplish this, I bought a (really too small I find) tiny George Foreman electric grill for under $20. It has ridges on both sides so it grills in a press creating a succulent vegetable with that charred grilled flavor perfectly. Worth investing in one of these, but mine is so small I can do only one vegetable at a time. Fancy ones are pannini presses, but a modest grill works just fine. (some even have a panel to make waffles too)

Wowee! No magic ingredients, just the grilling technique made it great. The tofu developed a brown skin that gave it a new texture with out having to deep fry it. And the grilling adds a smoky complexity to the flavor, creates a succulent veggie inside with a carmelized outer skin/surfaces that make the whole thing great hummy fun in the mouth ...

PS - dined to Natalie Merchant's soulful Motherland - seemed just right to have a musical goddesses voice accompanying the meal. Aq said we had techno instrumental in Tulum tho. Never underestimate the combination of music and a fabulous meal for a sensory high!
1 comment:
The sauce in the original dish (at the restaurant) was so great! It was some sort of cinnamon sauce, I wish I knew what they put in it. Have you made any attempts to recreate it?
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